
Visit the National Lotteries Commission website to find out about other projects supported by the NLDTF.

St. Kizito is most grateful to the following funders who provided support during the past financial year:

  • Church of Our Saviour, The Hague
  • Genesis and St. Michaels Catholic Church, Rondebosch
  • HCI Foundation
  • National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund
  • SACBC Bishop’s Foundation
  • The Bishops’ Lenten Appeal
  • The Holy Childhood Fund
  • The Loseby Charitable Trust
  • The Rotary Club of Claremont
  • Generous individual donors in South Africa and overseas

SKCP also remains grateful to the following funders for the support that they have provided to the organisation during previous years:

  • Breadline Africa
  • Heston Community School, Uk
  • Loreto Sisters, Australia
  • National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund
  • Stichting Porticus
  • The RAITH Foundation
  • Willowton Oil
  • Generous individual donors in South Africa and overseas
  • Genesis Group + Rondebosch (Easter Egg Drive, Christmas Party (Gugs) + other)
  • Constantia + Outreach Team (adhoc donation and support)
  • Lansdowne + St Vincent De Paul Youth (recent toiletry Drive)
  • Somerset West + Young Adults (Sale of Advent Candles)

Donate To People
In Extreme Need

SKCP relies on the generosity of charitable organisations and individuals in order to continue to support Parish Groups, train volunteers and provide services to children and families in need.